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                    Mint cultivation and technology extension in China

                    Publication date:2017-10-26 Browse times: 0

                    Mint developed root system, height 30-1250px, and the cross section of underground stems of the grapes is square, red or green stems, rhizomes white. The entire plant is densely short hair, leaves opposite, green or red, oval or long oval, serrated leaf margin, each leaf axil can produce lateral branches. Purple flowers, extremely small, lip, have four stamens and a pistil, arranged verticillaster, set in axils of leaves. The fruit is achene, very small, yellow.
                    Spearmint oil contained 1% of menthol, and menthol was 70-90%. Menthol accounted for 10-30%, as well as mint cream, camphor terpene and lemon terpene, etc.. There is sweating, expelling wind, clear heat, phlegm, sterilization effect.
                    First, raising seedlings
                    L and rhizome propagation. Breeding roots are carried out in late April or late August. In the selection of robust growth, no pests and diseases of plants as the mother plant, according to the spacing of 20 * 250px planting. In the early winter harvest foliage, roots remain in place as a line.
                    2. Ramets propagation. Mint seedling height of about 375px, and should be thinning bumiao. Transplanting seedlings by using interspecific seedlings.
                    3. Cutting propagation. 5-6 months, the stem branch into 250px long cuttings, in good seedbed, for cutting propagation according to the row spacing of 7 * 75px, the root and shoot were transplanted to the field cultivation.
                    Two. Transplanting
                    1. Mint transplanting before second years of early spring has not yet germinated, early planting, early germination, long growth period, high yield. When digging, dig roots, choose thick, short internode, no disease of the roots as root, cut into 7 - 250px long section, and then in the good border surface, according to row spacing 625px, open l0 deep ditch. The root according to 250px spacing tilt in the ditch cover, fine soil compacted and watering.
                    2. May when topping topping, vigorous plant growth, time to pick crown, promote the growth of lateral stem leaves, favorable yield.
                    Three, head stage management (emergence to the first harvest)
                    1. check seedlings and replanting: after the whole seedling in the field, the seedlings should be checked in time, and the seedlings or seedlings with sparse spots and patches should be repaired.
                    2.: all seedlings weeding, row weeding, plant artificial weeding, to increase soil moisture, temperature and weeds (ground), promote seedling growth. A 2 - 3 times before weeding. Weed the field weed before harvest to prevent the odor of other weeds affecting the quality of peppermint oil.
                    3.: ditching timely topdressing in seedling height of 10 375px when topdressing per urea l0kg, sealed after spraying 5ml mu Penshibao + urea two 150g potassium dihydrogen phosphate 150g+.
                    4. scientific watering: Mint in the middle water needs more, especially in early growth, the root has not yet formed, need more water, generally 15 days or so pouring water, from the emergence to harvest water to be poured 4-5 times. After closing the row should be the amount of light casting, so as to avoid the stems and leaves of wild, lodging, resulting in lower leaf abscission, lower yield. Before harvest 20-25 days without water. The ground should be white when harvesting.
                    5. disease prevention and treatment of major diseases: peppermint is a black shank, occurred in the seedling stage, the symptom is stem shrinkage depression, black, rotten, lodging, withered. Control can be sprayed with 70% chlorothalonil or 40% carbendazim 100 - 150g per mu during the onset of the disease.
                    Mint rust, 5-7 months prone, with 25% times liquid spraying Triadimefon 1000-1500 leaves. Septoria, 5 - October, zineb early onset of spraying 65% times liquid 500, can control each week.